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What does Voltalis do?

Established in 2006, we are the European leaders in demand response. But what do we do? As with all things, there is often a short answer and a long one. We’ll start with the short answer. 

We make energy less demanding, by reducing demand on the grid. But what does that mean? Well, to get a better understanding of what we do and how we do it, here’s the long answer.

How we make energy less demanding

The best place to begin is to explain a little about demand response. We’ve already stated that we’re the European leaders in demand response. But what is it exactly?

Demand response is a strategy, usually employed by electricity networks, to reduce electricity demand and balance the grid during times of high consumption or limited supply. Instead of relying solely on expensive and polluting backup power sources like gas, demand response strategies attempt to shift energy usage during peak times, either via loadshedding or by asking the end user to make lifestyle or routine adjustments. While this can reduce stress on the grid and lower the financial and environmental costs associated with ramping up power production, it isn’t ideal, especially if you’re the end user. 

Our approach to demand response is different. We have pioneered what we call Automated Demand Response. This involves delivering demand response technology on a  scale never seen before by connecting millions of smart switches to the grid, all communicating with the grid in real-time.

Through these switches we can, with the end users’ permission, minimally modulate the energy consumption of heating and cooling appliances while communicating these small changes made to the grid as they happen. By doing this, we optimise energy consumption for electricity users, reduce demand on the grid, decrease reliance on fossil fuels and lower the energy bills for thousands of homes and businesses.

While these temperature modulations are tiny, when amplified across the thousands of smart switches in our network, they result in big savings that matter. Once installed, Voltalis works silently in the background, so users don’t need to change behaviour or actively engage with it to make a measurable difference.

How it all comes together for  you

We supply and install small, discreet switches next to heating and cooling appliances in homes and commercial buildings. These are set up by a qualified electrician and the process takes about 2 hours, depending on how many switches are required. The entire service—from installation and configuration to continued monitoring—is completely free. Once installed, all you need to do is sit back, relax, while we do the heavy lifting quietly and unobtrusively. You won’t even notice that we’re there because your comfort levels won’t be affected at all. 

After installation, the switch will detect any imbalance on the grid in real time. It will briefly optimise the electricity consumption of the heating and cooling units to which it is configured to prevent grid overload and help maintain stability.

You also have the option of taking advantage of our MyVoltalis App—a full home energy management system that allows you to control, monitor and optimise your electricity consumption remotely from a smartphone, desktop computer or tablet. If you like, you can even deactivate the Voltalis switches entirely.

Why we do it

The UK is currently experiencing an energy crisis unlike any before. This crisis is driven by surging wholesale gas prices, largely influenced by the war in Ukraine. The result has led to significant electricity price increases, leaving millions across the UK struggling to heat and power their homes.

To understand why this is happening, it is important to know that energy sources are ranked based on something called the “Merit Order”. Renewables like wind and solar are prioritised in the ranking because they carry the lowest fuel costs. However, when renewable output dips (due to weather conditions, for example) or demand on the grid exceeds what renewables can supply, additional generation is required. The electricity networks then begin to rely on carbon-intensive energy sources to ensure its stability. The UK’s growing dependence on these pricier, polluting energy sources like gas, coal and oil has intensified, leading to the unprecedented price hikes we’re now seeing.

The result has been a reliance on traditional demand response strategies, where consumers have been tasked with adjusting their energy usage during peak periods in response to signals or incentives from utility companies. In theory, this helps balance the supply and demand while reducing the need for additional power generation. However, in practice it is highly reliant on the end user and is often disruptive to an already busy daily routine. So, while a great idea, in practice, energy providers struggle to motivate enough people to get involved and any savings are minimal and inconsistent.

This is why we do what we do.

Our Automated Demand Response approach is groundbreaking as it automates the entire process, taking the burden off end users and delivering it at scale by connecting thousands of devices together. Our technology is proven to make a significant impact because when small savings are amplified across thousands of users, the results are genuinely transformative.

Doing nothing has never made such a big difference.

The benefits of our system are manifold. Homeowners save money on their electricity bills, while businesses gain greater control and oversight of their energy usage. The same applies to landlords and property managers overseeing multiple buildings. Additionally, hospitality businesses can maintain comfort for guests while reducing energy costs, without any noticeable impact on service quality. In healthcare facilities, where consistent temperature control is crucial, our system helps maintain a stable environment while contributing to energy savings and operational efficiency.

And of course, everyone will be doing their part to maintain the fragile stability of the grid, while also contributing to a more sustainable future and helping protect the planet—without doing much at all. All together better.