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Frequently Asked Questions

This is where you will find answers to the most common questions about Volatalis.

The Voltalis solution

What is the Voltalis system used for?

Voltalis is a free, no-subscription-required energy-saving device designed for properties using electrically controlled devices like heating, cooling, battery storage, and EV chargers.

It lets you effortlessly manage devices like electric heaters, which can make up around 66% of your household’s energy use. Plus, you can track and analyse your electricity consumption to keep things under control, hassle-free.

Volatis is installed in less than 2 ½ hours by a professional electrician, and the device is compatible with all types of heaters. This includes old “toaster” convectors, inertia heaters, radiant or reflective heaters — we work with most models. 

You don’t need to replace your radiators with smart ones to make them more efficient. Plus, there’s no need to switch energy suppliers. Easy!

Once you join, you can use your MyVoltalis dashboard and app to manage your consumption remotely from anywhere. The platform is available for smartphones, tablets or desktop computers. Welcome to energy management, your way. 

You’ll also get personalised advice and comparison tools to help you use energy more efficiently and save even more. Voltalis is here to help no matter your query. With Voltalis, you can achieve up to 15% annual energy savings while improving your comfort and reducing your household’s CO2 emissions by 70% by eliminating the need for thermal backup power plants.

What is intelligent electricity consumption management?

Our smart energy management solution helps optimise your electricity use during peak times when the grid needs it, making it easier to save energy.

Since electricity can’t be easily stored, the grid must constantly balance production and consumption in real time. Grid operators need to act fast during unexpected events like high demand or drops in renewable energy. Without quick action, there’s a risk of blackouts or disruption – and that’s where our expertise and technology can add both security and stability.

The traditional solution is to rely on gas or coal power plants, which can be started quickly but are expensive and highly polluting. Voltalis offers a smarter alternative. 

By managing and reducing the energy use of thousands of devices in real-time, we help the grid operator balance the electricity network in a cleaner, more efficient way.

Our patented technology sustainably stabilises the grid while helping individuals save energy. This is known as intelligent residential demand management. Voltalis provides greater flexibility and security for the grid while offering significant cost savings, making it a win-win for both the grid and our users.

Why is Voltalis free?

Voltalis is completely free for users. We cover the cost of our smart thermostats, installation, maintenance and associated services for every customer.

Why? Because Voltalis is already paid by the electricity network for its contribution to securing stability and security of energy for the future.

During peak consumption period, when energy production drops or when there is a failure in the network, the electricity network compensates to maintain its balance, generally by activating fossil fuel power plants, which are polluting and expensive. At these times, Voltalis provides the electricity network with flexible load, enabling the network to reduce demand rather than increase supply, this avoids the need to use expensive carbon emitting power plants, limiting costs and CO2 emissions.

What is Demand Response?

Demand Response (or DR) is a system where consumers adjust their energy usage during peak periods in response to price signals or incentives. This helps balance supply and demand, reduces the need for additional power generation, and enhances grid stability, leading to cost savings and increased energy efficiency.

While the concept is promising, Demand Response has struggled in the UK due to insufficient incentives, the need for people to be active participants in adjusting their energy use, and the lack of technology capable of implementing it at scale. As a result, participation has been low, and the savings achieved have been minimal and inconsistent.

Our pioneering approach tackles the issues that have hindered Demand Response in the UK by automating the entire process: transforming users from active participants to passive contributors. This means users can effortlessly generate savings, take control of their energy

consumption and actively contribute to the broader challenges society faces in achieving net zero—all without lifting a finger. Offered for free to end users, our solution operates at scale, seamlessly connecting millions of devices. Our Automated Demand Response is not only proven to deliver significant, consistent savings but also empowers passive users to be part of the solution in reducing demand and reliance on fossil fuels, helping to shape a sustainable future.

Is Voltalis a sustainable solution?

Sustainability is central to Voltalis’ mission. We help households cut energy use and provide the flexibility the grid needs, making us a key player in the ecological transition. Our solution reduces reliance on polluting thermal power plants and coal, gas, and oil usage and lessens dependence on neighbouring sources.

This means fewer CO2 emissions and more positive action against global warming. 

We also support the integration of renewable energy into the UK’s energy mix. But renewables aren’t available around the clock. Wind and solar farms produce less energy when the wind dies down or the sun isn’t shining. Our solution helps balance the grid by compensating for these fluctuations.

Voltalis manages real-time electricity use to address intermittency, enabling the grid to expand renewable energy capacity without relying on thermal power stations. 

It’s time to overcome energy challenges with a win-win solution.

Will installing Voltalis take much time?

Not at all and we organise everything around you. An approved technician will come to your home at the agreed time and install the Voltalis devices free of charge. The installation usually takes around 2 hours and 15 minutes, though it can vary depending on the size of your home and the number of radiators. Its clean, non-invasive and our technicians will leave your house as they found it, meaning you won’t have to lift a finger!

One installed, it works by itself. You save electricity without having to interact with it or having to change your lifestyle. 

For the more hands on, the MyVoltalis app, let’s you track your energy use and see savings in real time. Plus, you can take control of your radiators remotely, set schedules, and get tips to optimise your energy consumption further and save even more money.

About Voltalis

Who is Voltalis?

Since 2006, our technology has been optimising energy consumption across Europe.
We’re reducing demand on the energy network, the reliance on fossil fuels and lower energy bills for millions of homes and businesses. Together we’re focussed on the future, enabling the wider adoption of clean energy and creating balance between supply and demand.

We’re the European leaders and pioneers in what we call Automated Demand Response.
We offer free smart technology which, when installed in properties with electrically controlled devices like heating, cooling, battery storage, and EV chargers, modulates the flow of energy. We optimise the energy consumption of each individual device, communicating the cumulative reductions made with the grid, in real time. When amplified across millions of devices in our network, the resulting financial and environmental savings are transformative.

Once installed Voltalis works silently in the background, so users don’t need to change behaviours, or actively engage with it to make a measurable difference.

Better for the planet. Better for everyday life. Better all round.


Will installing Voltalis take much time?

Not at all and we organise everything around you. An approved technician will come to your home at the agreed time and install the Voltalis devices free of charge. The installation usually takes around 2 hours and 15 minutes, though it can vary depending on the size of your home and the number of radiators. Its clean, non-invasive and our technicians will leave your house as they found it, meaning you won’t have to lift a finger!

One installed, it works by itself. You save electricity without having to interact with it or having to change your lifestyle. 

For the more hands on, the MyVoltalis app, let’s you track your energy use and see savings in real time. Plus, you can take control of your radiators remotely, set schedules, and get tips to optimise your energy consumption further and save even more money.